Export a sheet as a PDF

It takes a few clicks but it is possible

I have previously posted about using CutePDF to create pdfs from Excel sheets. There is another way, but it takes a few clicks and it only works in Excel 2010 and later versions. (It may work in Excel 2007 but I have taken that version off my PC so I can’t test it.)

Show Horizontal Axis Entries Below the Chart

Great for displaying negatives in a line or column chart

I learned about a chart Axis option in Excel during a recent webinar – thanks to one of the attendees. You can show the Axis entries below the chart – this is handy for column charts that display negatives.

Day Of The Week

A quick and easy way to find out the day of the week for a specific date is to use the Long Date format from the drop down in the middle of the Home ribbon (in the Number section) – see below.


Japanese Yen Format in Excel

Applying it quickly

To apply the Japanese Yen format can take quite a few mouse clicks.

The macro that does it, on the other hand, is quite simple. Select the range, then run the macro.

Sub JapaneseYen()

Selection.NumberFormat = "[$¥-411]#,##0.00"

End Sub

If you are unsure how to use macros, see the link below.

How to use macros


Paste Values

After copying, use the following keyboard combination to paste just the values – no formulas or formats.

Alt h v v

These keys are pressed in sequence, not held down.

Techniques to Paste Values in Excel

Lose the formulas and keep the values

Sometimes in Excel you need to paste just the values from copied cells. You don’t want the formulas. You may have created temporary formulas that you need to replace with their values. You may need to capture the current values, make some changes and then compare the new values with their old values to see the difference.