Hyperlinks are a great way to navigate around large spreadsheets. Unfortunately they each take a few clicks to create and can be easily broken. You can use a function to easily create multiple, flexible hyperlinks.
Category Archives: Excel 2003
Japanese Yen Format in Excel
Applying it quickly
To apply the Japanese Yen format can take quite a few mouse clicks.
The macro that does it, on the other hand, is quite simple. Select the range, then run the macro.
Sub JapaneseYen() Selection.NumberFormat = "[$¥-411]#,##0.00" End Sub
If you are unsure how to use macros, see the link below.
Working with Imported Dates and Times in Excel
Date data imported from other systems can include times. This can make lookup and other calculations difficult. One function can make removing or extracting time easy.
Excel and Hyperlinks
Sometimes you want them, sometimes you don't
Hyperlinks are a great tool as they allow you to speed up and simplify navigation within a file. Sometimes hyperlinks can be frustrating. See how to remove some of those frustrations below.
Protecting Your Excel VBA Macro Code
Applying a password to VBA
The more you use macros the more important they become and the more you want to make sure the VBA* code doesn’t get changed by someone who shouldn’t change it. You may also want to stop people viewing your code.
Techniques to Paste Values in Excel
Lose the formulas and keep the values
Sometimes in Excel you need to paste just the values from copied cells. You don’t want the formulas. You may have created temporary formulas that you need to replace with their values. You may need to capture the current values, make some changes and then compare the new values with their old values to see the difference.
Excel – Last Used Row In A Column
SUMPRODUCT to the rescue again
Sometimes you need to identify the last used cell in a column. The versatile SUMPRODUCT function can calculate that using a couple of other functions.
Counting Characters in Excel
Another useful SUMPRODUCT technique
If you need to know how many characters are in a cell then use the LEN function. What if you wanted to know how many characters were in a range?
Excel Templates – Why and How to Use Them
Save time and effort
Templates allow you to create blank sheets and blank workbooks that have customised formats as well as customised Page Setup settings, including headers and footers.
Taking Control of Excel shortcuts- Part One
Save time with shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts can really speed up your work in Excel. Here are some of my favourites that use the Ctrl key. I’ll share some more in later blog posts.
Macro to save all open Excel files
Time saver
If you have a number of linked Excel files and you make a structural change (insert rows or columns) you need to save all the open files to ensure that the links are updated and retained. This can be tedious as there is no Save All option in Excel. Word has a Save All option, but not Excel.
Quickly and easily hiding and unhiding rows and columns in Excel
Excel's Grouping technique
Hiding rows and columns is a common process in spreadsheets. Excel’s grouping feature can make the process easier and make it more apparent when rows or columns have been hidden.