Reset (2025)

Great relatable and practical stories.

Good summaries at the end of each chapter.

Lots of ideas to help you get more leverage so you can move the boulder called change.


Another Alt key Shortcut in Excel

When you press the Alt key there are numbers and letters that appear above the Quick Access Toolbar. These allow you to access those icons. Here is a trick I learned from Mike Girvin (ExcelisFun) to use the QAT shortcuts multiple times.

When you press the Alt key and then press another key you perform the action once.

If you want to repeat the action and you are only pressing one key for the QAT options, you can hold the Alt key down and press the number multiple times to repeat the action.

In the example below I have the Increase Font icon as my fourth icon on the QAT.

I can select a range and hold the Alt key down and press 4 multiple times to increase the font size with each press of 4.

The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I did not exist.” But this holds true for leadership in general—give people space and they flourish.

Maria Montessori

Source: The Montessori Method (1912)

Introduction to Power Query 2025

In January 2025 I ran a free webinar on Power Query – the best way to import data into Excel.

170 attended and over 100 people provided feedback with an average score of 92%.

Some of the feedback is shown below.

Introduction to Power Query
Really enjoyed this webinar – the conversion of MYOB style reports is such a useful tool to know.
C Stevenson
January 2025

Introduction to Power Query
Terrific session – very clear and concise and very useful information. The explanation of the meaning of town names in WA was a bonus!
A Roberts
January 2025

You can download the materials for the session using the button below the video.

Stories are how we learn best. We absorb numbers and facts and details, but we keep them all glued together into our heads with stories.

Chris Brogan


Mastery is the best goal because the rich can’t buy it, the impatient can’t rush it, the privileged can’t inherit it, and nobody can steal it. You can only earn it through hard work. Mastery is the ultimate status.
Derek SiversHow to Live


Webinar Feedback November 2024

Financial Functions Part Two

“This accounting webinar series is one of the best for practical CPD hours. It focuses on things we actually use in our day-to-day work, like Excel models and useful tips, instead of theory or topics we may never touch depending on your area of expertise.

It’s clear, easy to follow, and you come away with skills you can put into practice right away. Highly recommend it for anyone wanting CPD that’s actually helpful.”

C Walthew
November 2024

Are you Partial to Calculations?

Excel has re-badged one of the Calculation Options in the Formulas tab – see below. This is a change relating to the new Python capabilities.

The middle option used to ignore Data Tables (a What If feature on the Data ribbon tab).

The newly named Partial option also ignores Data Tables plus any Python calculations that may take a long time to calculate.

Python calculations are done in the “cloud” and require an internet connection.