Excel can increment easily add days to a date but months, quarters and years require a slightly different calculation. Here’s a single function that does all three.
Tag Archives: LAMBDA
Excel Custom Function for Common Dates
Excel has an EOMONTH functions that returns the end of month. You can hack this function to return the start of month as well. I thought I would make it easy to return the first, last and middle of the month in one simple function.
Sequential Rank Custom Function for Excel
Excel does not have a rank function that returns sequential numbers. All Excel’s ranking functions can return duplicated ranking numbers. Here is a solution to creating a sequential ranking system with no duplicates.
Formatted Table Running Total Custom Function
I have shared a running total formula for a formatted table many years ago. Here is a better solution that I have converted into a custom function.
Identifying Locked Cells in Excel
The default setting in Excel is for all cells to be locked. If you want users to input in a cell you must unlock that cell before you apply sheet protection. You can use a formula to identify locked and unlocked cells.
Array Syntax Custom Function
Array syntax is a powerful feature in Excel. Array syntax allows you to create a list within your formulas which makes them self-contained. Typing array syntax is difficult as you need to use a combination of quotation marks, commas or semi-colons plus braces (curly brackets).
Does an Excel range contain sequential numbers?
I have created a custom function to check if a range has sequential numbers. The range doesn’t have to be sorted.
A Better SEARCH Function for Excel
The SEARCH function has a couple of issues that make it difficult to use. This makes it a prime candidate for a custom function to fix its limitations.
Custom Function to Reverse a String in Excel
When I started learning Python, I saw it had a Reverse function and thought, “I could do that in Excel.”
Excel and Ordinals
A recent update to Excel included ordinals as an option when you drag with the fill handle. A few months back I made a post about a Custom function for ordinals in dates. Dates are a bit easier because they max out at 31. I thought I would extend the function so that it handled all numbers.
Fixing the UNIQUE Function
The UNIQUE function in Excel has a problem when it comes to handling blank cells. Blank cells are treated as zero and if you have a blank cell and a zero in a range then UNIQUE will return two zeros. Also, if a cell has a function that returns a blank cell, then that is treated differently than a blank cell. Let’s create a custom function to fix UNIQUE’s blank cell blind spot.
Convert Day Text into Day Number in Excel
Excel uses a number from 1 to 7 to refer to the days of the week. The WEEKDAY function returns the number based on a date. Excel doesn’t a have a function to return the day number based on a text day like Monday. Time for a custom function.
Custom Function to Count Specific Characters in Excel
I have previously covered a formula that counts specific characters. Since it used multiple functions, I thought I would simplify it by creating a custom function.
SUBTOTAL and Dynamic Arrays in Excel – Part 3
The SUBTOTAL function in Excel is quite flexible. The single function allows you to perform 11 different calculations. In this post we will create a custom function to summarise a data set.
Avoid the #DIV/0! Error in Excel
DIY Function
If you have the subscription version of Excel you can create your own functions. One that you may want to create avoids the #DIV/0! error.