Increase Font Size in VBA Window

Easy change

Yes, you can make the text in the VBA window easier to read.

It is also great for training.

(This tip may not work on 4K monitors.)

To open the VBA Window press Alt + F11.

Click the Tools menu and then Options  – see image below.

Click the Editor Format tab and change the Size drop down to 14, or whatever you want – see image below.

Click OK and the font size will now be increased in the code window.

See below for a comparison between 10 and 14 point.

Much easier to read!

Free Webinar Recording – Recorded Macros Tips Tricks and Traps

Getting started with recorded macros

It is easy to create a recorded macro. It is not so easy to create a flexible and re-usable recorded macro. Click the materials Button below to download the pdf manual and example file.

Learn the techniques that can allow you to record effective macros that can handle different ranges and changes to sheet names.

Macros can speed up your work and reduce the time taken for tedious tasks, as well as adding functionality to Excel.

This is the first in a series of webinars dedicated to macros. Future paid sessions this month (August 2019) will expand on the techniques taught in this session. Click here to register.

CPD note – if you are claiming CPD for watching this recording you need to keep your own records. People who attend the live sessions receive an annual listing of attendances.

Download Materials

Free Excel Webinar Recording – Excel Yourself 2018

Feedback score 89%

In December 2018 I reviewed four of my articles from the INTHEBLACK magazine from 2018. Download the materials using the button below and watch the video.

CPD note – if you are claiming CPD for watching this recording you need to keep your own records. People who attend the live sessions receive an annual listing of attendances.

Webinar Materials

Includes extra content not included in the magazine.

This year’s smorgasbord webinar includes

  • how to handle validations
  • dynamically highlighting the current row in a table (uses a macro)
  • centralising logic – how and why to do it – alternatives to the IF function
  • creating a slope chart (includes a macro to speed up the process)

As always there will be a few more tips and tricks shared in the session.

Range Names and Macros

Range names rule

When you record a macro that refers to a particular cell or range on a particular sheet in Excel the range reference is hard coded into VBA (macro) code. Unfortunately this means if rows or columns are inserted or deleted in the reference range the code is not updated. There is an easy way to get around this.

Stopping the Clipboard from being cleared in Excel VBA

How to check if the clipboard is empty

It is common knowledge (or it should be) that running a macro clears the undo list. In general you can’t undo a macro. However some macros also clear the clipboard which can stop you copying and pasting. I have found a workaround for the clipboard problem.

Free Excel Webinar – recording Macros Tips Tricks and Traps

Getting started with macros

It is easy to create a recorded macro. It is not so easy to create a flexible and re-usable recorded macro. Click the materials Button below to download the pdf manual and example file.

Learn the techniques that can allow you to record effective macros that can handle different ranges and changes to sheet names.

Macros can speed up your work and reduce the time taken for tedious tasks, as well as adding functionality to Excel.

This is the first in a series of webinars dedicated to macros. Future paid sessions this month will expand on the techniques taught in this session.

CPD note – if you are claiming CPD for watching this recording you need to keep your own records. People who attend the live sessions receive an annual listing of attendances.

Macro Webinar Materials


Replace Merged Cells with Center Across Selection

Let the macro do the work

Unfortunately lots of people use the Merge & Center format in their spreadsheets. When working with other people’s files that contain Merged cells I will often remove the Merged cells format and apply Center Across Selection which is the preferred format to use. The macro below will convert Merged cells to Center Across Selection.

Excel Cell Comments and Documentation

Macro to Create a Comment Report for a File

I was watching a video a while back and some Excel experts were lamenting the lack of a documentation standard in Excel. They mentioned that the cell comments system could be used for documentation, but there was no way to centralise all the comments. Well, I have written a macro to do just that.