Monthly Archives: November 2023
Outside Borders in Excel
How to apply to a range
I use the thin all borders format a lot. But there are times when I need to use the thin outline (outside) borders. This border is not as straight forward to apply to a range.
SUMIFS Wildcard Limitation
SUMIFS can use wildcard characters, but the wildcards only work on text-based codes.
Clearing All Formats in Excel
Sometimes with Excel formatting you just want to clear everything and start again from scratch. You can clear just the formats, and there is an icon you can add to the Quick Access Toolbar to make clearing all the formats earlier.
Yesterday and Tomorrow in Excel
I recently saw a post about using a LAMBDA function for the dates for yesterday and tomorrow. You don’t need to use LAMBDA, you can just use range names.
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.
Robert Frost