Free Excel Webinar Recording – Financial Functions Part 2

Feedback score 87%

In July 2019 I explained and demonstrated a number of Excel’s  financial functions – see below for more details.

CPD note – if you are claiming CPD for watching this recording you need to keep your own records. People who attend the live sessions receive an annual listing of attendances.

Webinar Materials

In July 2019 following on from the response and feedback from my June webinar, I covered more financial functions. These are more related to comparing and analysing cash flows. I have also included a couple of requested schedules.

This session will cover the following functions

  • NPV – Net Present Value of regular cashflows (learn to trick to using it correctly)
  • XNPV – Net Present Value of irregular cashflows
  • IRR – Internal Rate of Return of regular periodic cashflows
  • XIRR – Internal Rate of Return of irregular periodic cashflows
  • Discounted Payback period schedule
  • Flexible Loan schedule – handles lump sum payments

As with all my sessions, I will throw in a few other shortcuts along the way.

Twelve months of free Excel webinars

Free monthly Excel webinars

This month celebrates 12 consecutive free monthly Excel training webinars. One a month since August 2018.

(I have kept adding the new free sessions to the list)

You can view the recordings and download the materials using the table below. Sorted by Skill Level.

17 hours of free, practical CPD. Remember to keep your own records of recording viewing for CPD purposes.

Please share with the your network, enjoy!

Latest Free Excel Webinars

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Sorted by Level - updated January 2020
Level Beg = Beginner, Int = Intermediate, Adv = Advanced

Handling Exceptions in Excel

Two ways to consider

When developing budgets and financial models you may need the same rate/value (say debtor days) for 10 months of the year but need to adjust it for 2 months. It is usually December and January as they tend to be a little different due to the Christmas / New Year period. Here’s a couple of ways to handle exceptions in Excel.