My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. The effect you have on others’ lives is the highest expression of your own.

Maya Angelou
Source: Letter to My Daughter

Reset (2025)

Great relatable and practical stories.

Good summaries at the end of each chapter.

Lots of ideas to help you get more leverage so you can move the boulder called change.


The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I did not exist.” But this holds true for leadership in general—give people space and they flourish.

Maria Montessori

Source: The Montessori Method (1912)

Webinar Excel Budget Scenarios – Subscription Version

Price: $25.00 incl GST

Duration: 1 hour

Learn how to convert a budget into a multiple scenario budget.

This sessions takes the budget from the Budget Challenge session and converts it into a multiple scenario solution.

Techniques shared:

  • the structure to make the conversion easier
  • using the OFFSET and MATCH functions to extract the correct scenario
  • helper cells to simplify formulas
  • keyboard shortcuts to speed up the conversion
  • finding cells based on colour
  • sheet grouping – useful but comes with a warning
  • data tables to capture the important metrics from each scenario
  • adding even more scenarios

As always there will be few general tips along the way.

Date: 18/02/2025
Time: 1.00 PM (AEDST)
Event: Excel Budget Scenarios
Topic: Budget Scenarios
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.

Webinar Excel Budget Template (1.5 hrs) – Subscription Version

Price: $25.00 incl GST

Duration: 1.5 hours

In this webinar I will share a budget structure I have used successfully to create a budget that allows a couple of levels. I have updated the template with new dynamic array functionality. This structure has some flexibility and incorporates a number of advanced Excel features that work well together. The budget template is scalable and can be applied to numerous structures.

If you have a Jul-Jun financial year you might want to get a head start on next year’s budget/forecast.

The Budget Template session outcomes will include
• discover a scalable, flexible Excel budget structure
• learn formulas that can easily consolidate budgets from multiple sheets, making uploads into accounting systems easier
• find out about a little-used function that can make allocations easier to create
• see how to use tables to add structure and flexibility to your Excel files
• a range name trick that involves formatted tables
• adding validations to your budgets
• using new dynamic arrays within a budget structure

As always, you will also pick up a few other tips and tricks along the way.

This is a longer than normal session (1.5 hours) and covers many advanced topics that can simplify your budget process.

Date: 20/02/2025
Time: 1.00 PM (AEDST)
Event: Excel Budget Template Subscription Version (1.5 hrs)
Topic: Budget Template
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.

Stories are how we learn best. We absorb numbers and facts and details, but we keep them all glued together into our heads with stories.

Chris Brogan


FREE Excel Quick Access Toolbar and Ribbon

Duration: 1 hour

The mysterious section at the top right of the Excel screen that few people realise is a treasure trove of shortcuts and productivity improvements.

It is called the Quick Access Toolbar and many users have not yet tapped into its potential.

Did you know you can make you own ribbon tabs?

This session covers

  • moving the Quick Access Toolbar to make it easier to use
  • only displaying the icons
  • adding icons to the Quick Access Toolbar
  • adding formula characters to the Quick Access Toolbar
  • moving icons on the Quick Access Toolbar
  • adding useful icons that aren’t on the ribbon
  • keyboard shortcuts to access the Quick Access Toolbar
  • adding a macro the Quick Access Toolbar
  • building your own ribbon tab

As always, I will share other tips and tricks along the way.

Date: 30/01/2025
Time: 1:00 PM AEDST
Event: FREE - Excel Quick Access Toolbar and Ribbon
Topic: Introduction to Power Query
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.

Mastery is the best goal because the rich can’t buy it, the impatient can’t rush it, the privileged can’t inherit it, and nobody can steal it. You can only earn it through hard work. Mastery is the ultimate status.
Derek SiversHow to Live


Webinar Feedback November 2024

Financial Functions Part Two

“This accounting webinar series is one of the best for practical CPD hours. It focuses on things we actually use in our day-to-day work, like Excel models and useful tips, instead of theory or topics we may never touch depending on your area of expertise.

It’s clear, easy to follow, and you come away with skills you can put into practice right away. Highly recommend it for anyone wanting CPD that’s actually helpful.”

C Walthew
November 2024

Are you Partial to Calculations?

Excel has re-badged one of the Calculation Options in the Formulas tab – see below. This is a change relating to the new Python capabilities.

The middle option used to ignore Data Tables (a What If feature on the Data ribbon tab).

The newly named Partial option also ignores Data Tables plus any Python calculations that may take a long time to calculate.

Python calculations are done in the “cloud” and require an internet connection.

Even if you’re not a teacher, be a teacher. Share your ideas. Don’t take for granted your education. Rejoice in what you learn and spray it.

Source: 9 Life lessons
Tim Minchin

Webinars – Excel Level One Series (3 webinars)

This is a FREE three-part series of live webinars run over three consecutive days.

Each session will be about 90 minutes long.

The series will take you through the basics of Excel and teach you how to.

  • set up shortcuts
  • use the mouse effectively
  • navigate round a file
  • create basic formulas and functions
  • apply formats
  • use shortcut keys to save time
  • printing tips

Along the way there will be lots of shortcuts and advice on creating effective spreadsheets.

One registration signs you up for all three sessions. If you can’t make a session its OK, they are all recorded and you get the recording the next day.

Date: 13/08/2024—15/08/2024
Time: 1:00 PM AEST
Event: FREE Excel Level One - Beginners - 3 webinars
Topic: Excel Level One Series
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.

Double Click the Excel Icon

You can close Excel down (with multiple files open) by double clicking the Excel icon – top left of screen.

This works for the other Office apps too.

If you haven’t saved a file Excel will ask if you want to.

To close a single file down use the X on the top right of screen.