My free Excel webinars are back

All webinars are not the same

I recently ran my first public webinar in nearly a year – Materials Link and streaming Video below.

I run free and paid Excel training webinars. Watch a recording or come along to a free session and see if you like them.

My aim is to make my live training webinars as enjoyable, useful and practical as possible, which means

  • no PowerPoint slides EVER
  • zero marketing or up selling – just Excel training
  • no recorded content – its all live and interactive – comments and questions can be sent via a chat box
  • detailed instruction manuals – yes, even the free sessions have a detailed pdf manual
  • the free session recordings are always available – no time limits on watching
  • paid recordings can also be downloaded
  • annual attendance listing for CPD purposes when you attend a live session (sent out late January each year)
  • you must record your own CPD when you watch a recording (like the one below)

Download Materials

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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