This page contains resources that I have found useful in my personal and professional life. It contains everything from quotes and books that I like to podcasts and videos.
If you don’t want to scroll through the entire list, you can click on one of the links below to filter the resources by specific category.
I will update this list as I discover new resources. If you have a resource you think I should add, please email me.
A great site that has lots of free videos and other Excel content.
It covers the newer Power features of Excel plus the old standards of VBA and Dashboards.
A great site from Rob Collie and his team on PowerQuery, PowerPivot and Power BI.
Lots of free content and great ideas.
I have a few of Rob’s books and his knowledge is top shelf.
Matt Allington is an Aussie who is a Power BI expert and spreading the word on Power BI.
This is his blog, but the rest of his site has other resources as well.
His site has lots of content to help you dive into Power BI.
I have his book and am currently going through it.
Dustin Ryan works at Microsoft and he shares a lot of his knowledge for free on his website.
This great site has lots of free content to help you get the most out of Power BI – from beginners to old hands.
Free videos and other content make this a great site to bookmark and check regularly.
It covers a lot of other topics that are related to Power BI as well.
March 7 2016
Its a great question. The answer has changed over the decades.
This is a great piece of writing. Its a long read.
I recommend you read at least some of it if you have kids or grand kids or are interested in education or teaching.
“A new financial modelling guide authored by the ICAEW Corporate Finance Faculty and RSM aims to help businesses of all sizes plan and reduce risk. ” – website
If you use or build financial models then this pdf guide may be worth downloading – its free and no email is required – at least when I downloaded it.
Happy reading.
Don’t forget you can read pdfs on your kindle and iPad.
A wonderful site with suggestions and examples for data improved visualisations, and how you tell a story with data.
Cole has a book out as well.
Charts – 10 ideas and examples on what to do, and what not to do.
A nice article about when and how to use hue – grades of colours – in charts.
Also the colours to avoid (hint: red and green).
27 Excel experts discuss Excel and its future with Business Intelligence.
Some great insights – worth a read.
This site allows discussion on Data Visualisation topics.
You can post examples of good and bad visualisations for comment.
May 5th 2015
Good charts allow you to sell the data and the findings.
May 5th 2015
Some good insights from Seth Godin about how to display a message and get your important point(s) across.
1st May 2015
Often times you need to identify what NOT to put in your dashboard.
The main focus is on presenting Health data but the content applies to all dashboards and charts. Some great advice on this blog.
This website is a great resource for the DAX formula language used in PowerPivots in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013. The site contains solutions to common reporting requirements in PowerPivot Reports They have also published a book based on the content which is cheap as a Kindle edition, I have recently bought it.
A great initiative by the University of Sydney to bring forward the use of a rating system for foods. Stay tuned for an App. Find out what’s healthy and what’s not.
Good discussion of pie chart vs bar charts for comparisons
An Excel MVP and a chart guru. His site has GREAT chart resources.
A great website run by David Beard, which focuses on exercise as we age and the benefits associated with it. We are living longer, so we need to make sure we keep exercising to stay healthy as we age.
If you do a lot of financial modelling then this free online course may be worthwhile. There are videos and pdfs, plus example Excel files.
I attended a BPM course many years ago and it was very good.
The new kid on the block for all things Excel. Based in India, the site has lots of freebies and Excel resources. Chandoo is an Excel MVP.
The premier site for all things Excel. Includes an Excel forum. Run by Bill Jellen (Excel MVP) and author.
Seth Godin writes a great blog and provides really interesting insights. Highly recommend you subscribe to his email posts.
He has written many books and and always provides a different slant on the topics he covers.
An Australian-based site with great Excel resources. Has function and formulas information as well as VBA macro resources, plus an Excel Forum.
The Excel legend, John Walkenbach is the most respected Excel author. He has been writing about Excel for decades. I have many of his books. Look up Excel Guru and you’ll see his picture. I was honored that his review is on the back of my first book.
His site contains lots of Excel resources – his Power Utility Pack Add-in a worthwhile purchase.
I LOVE TED Talks, they cover so many different topics and are, on the whole, brilliant! I have been watching then for years and highly recommend you check a few out. You will be amazed. They are short and usually very well presented and often humorous.
I saw a demo of this Excel Add-in and it looked pretty good. I met the developer and he is keen to develop the package further. I don’t do any work with Xero, but if you do, it might be worth investigating – it is reasonably priced. It brings in data directly from Xero into Excel tables ready for Pivot Table analysis or formula based reports.
Some great additions to the Power BI features this month.
More maps; dependencies view; show errors; Load More option to identify more columns in your data and converting a column into a list to name few.