It’s finally here, well it is if you have the monthly update cycle of the subscription version of Excel.
This is the new function we have been anticipating for a while now. It simplifies looking up entries from a table and it removes many of the limitations of VLOOKUP. It also adds some features that INDEX-MATCH has, but VLOOKUP doesn’t.
In the image below we can see the XLOOKUP function in action.
In this first article on XLOOKUP let’s see how it let’s you do a look up to the left or above.
Column G displays the formula for column F.
lookup_value – the value to lookup, usually a cell reference. The same as VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP.
lookup_array – this is the range to look in. This is not a table reference. It can be a single vertical column or a single horizontal row. Usually a fixed reference.
return_array – this is the range to extract from. Can be a single column or multiple columns. Can be a single row or multiple rows. If multiple columns or rows are defined then the formula will “spill” across as per dynamic array entries.
if_not_found – optional – what to display if the entry is not found. Can be another function like the IF function. Text needs to be enclosed in quotation marks. If omitted the N/A error is returned for entries that can’t be found.
match_mode – optional – the type of match performed. 0 = exact match (default). -1 = exact match or next smallest. 1 exact match or next largest. 2 = wildcard match. Defaults to the exact match if omitted.
search_mode – optional – the type and direction of the search. 1 = search from first (default). -1 = search from last. 2 = binary search ascending order. -2 = binary search descending order. The ascending and descending options require the lists be sorted accordingly. Defaults to search from first if omitted.
The match_mode argument (5th argument) wildcard option 2 means you can use the *, ? and ~ characters to represent unknown characters.
In the image above I have used the first 4 arguments and accepted the defaults for the last two. In most cases the defaults for the last two arguments are the common requirements.
The formula in cell F2 is
=XLOOKUP(E2,$B$2:$B$7,$A$2:$A$7,IF(E2="", "","ERROR"))
You specify the code to lookup – the entry in cell E2 (ABC125). The range to look in is B2:B7 and the range to extract from is A2:A7.
I have used an IF function in the if_not_found argument.
IF(E2="", "","ERROR")
This displays a blank if cell E2 is blank and the word ERROR if the entry is not found.
This is an easy way to handle blank look up cells and avoid the #N/A error.
Horizontal lookups
Whilst vertical lookups are by far the most common, there can be a need for horizontal lookups and XLOOKUP can handle them too.
This is the same data but transposed to go across the page. The formula in cell J2 is
We can specify a horizontal range to look in, B2:G2 and extract from, B1:G1. The same IF function is used to handle blanks and errors.
I will write more posts on using XLOOKUP in the coming weeks and months.
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