Excel File is Open VBA Function

Useful function

When working with files in VBA code, you may need to know if a file is already open. A function can return TRUE if a file is currently open and FALSE if it isn’t.

Here is a simple function that you can use.

Function FileIsOpen(sName As String) As Boolean
'returns TRUE if the file is already open
'   use as If FileIsOpen("testfile") Then
Dim wb As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Set wb = Workbooks(sName)
FileIsOpen = (Err.Number = 0)
Set wb = Nothing
End Function

The code that uses the function could look something like this.

Sub TestFile()
If FileIsOpen("testfile") Then
    MsgBox "File is open"
    'do stuff
    MsgBox "File is not open"
    'tell user to fix something
End If
End Sub


Functions are useful in VBA as you can re-use them in different projects.

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4 thoughts on “Excel File is Open VBA Function

  1. And when I use the Function by using the given Sub, it returns “File is not open” via a msgbox, even though the file is actually open?

    • I just retested and it works ok – see code i used below.

      Function FileIsOpen(sName As String) As Boolean
      ‘returns TRUE if the file is already open
      ‘   use as If FileIsOpen(“testfile”) Then
      Dim wb As Workbook
      On Error Resume Next
      Set wb = Workbooks(sName)
      FileIsOpen = (Err.Number = 0)
      Set wb = Nothing
      End Function

      Sub test()
      If FileIsOpen(“free_rego_list”) Then
      MsgBox “file is open”
      MsgBox “file is NOT open”
      End If

      End Sub