If you need a logical test to determine if a list is unique you can use the MODE function with the ISNA function.
Tag Archives: functions
Adding up Text Numbers In Excel Another Technique
If you have a list of numbers that are a text numbers or a combination of text numbers with real numbers there is a technique I covered in this blog post to add them up. But if the range also contains text then the technique won’t work. There is the work around. The solutions below work in the subscription version of Excel. Check the comments section below for a solution for all versions.
The Magical N Function in Excel
Who you calling short?
One reason I like the N function is because it is Excel’s shortest function name. But it has quite a few useful features as well.
Last used column number in a row in Excel
AGGREGATE to the rescue
A while back I posted a formula to find the row number of the last used cell in a column. I revisit the solution to provide the last used column number in a row.
Removing Outliers in Excel
Dynamic array solution
I wrote a blog post a while back about outliers and Excel and I thought I would revisit it thanks to dynamic arrays.
The Excel CONVERT function
Most conversions are easily done
If you need to convert between different measurement systems Excel has just the function for you, called CONVERT.
Working with a Different Working Week in Excel
International functions to the rescue
Let’s say you are transitioning to retirement (lucky you) and you only work four days a week. You have Wednesdays off to play golf. You may still do projects and you need to figure out completion dates based on a start date and working days. Excel can help you.
Switching Reports from Rows to Columns in Excel
I was recently helping someone with a budget which they had built vertically, with the months going down the sheet. They then asked to display it horizontally, with the months going across the page. In the latest version of Excel this is straightforward.
Financial Year Month in a Pivot Table
Create new column
I wrote an article years ago explaining how to use a related table to handle financial years in Excel Pivot Tables. You can read the article here. If you only want the months in financial year order you can just add an extra column to your table.
Convert text time to real time in Excel
Three different ways
I recently downloaded an example file for an Excel challenge. The challenge had a lot of things to do but they were all based on a Timestamp column that had text instead of times.
Find the Closest Value in Excel
Dynamic array solution
On LinkedIn recently someone posted an Excel formula solution lamenting that it was long and complex. That of course was a challenge to me to simplify it.
Back when text was just text
Text functions revisited
20 years ago my last article for the Accountants Weekly magazine was published. They spelled my name wrong after getting it right for all the other articles, maybe that’s why I stopped.
Twenty Years Ago – Top 10 Excel Functions
How things change
My second article in Accountants Weekly was published 20 years ago today and it was Top 10 Functions for Accountants.
Adding Time in Excel
There's a function for that
If you need to add time to an existing time then you need to learn about the TIME function.
Confirming Names are Unique in Excel
COUNTIFS to the rescue
If you have a list of first names and last names and you want to make sure the list has no duplicates you can use a formula to confirm the names are unique.
Make Sure All Input Cells Have an Entry in Excel
COUNTIF to the rescue
When creating an input range you may need to validate input cells. That may mean ensuring all input cells have an entry. Here’s how.
Australian Financial Year Quarter Formula
Another CHOOSE solution
The Australian Financial Year has its challenges. Working out the Quarter number based on a date has a few solutions. Here’s another one.
Financial Model Allocation Technique
Helper cells to the rescue
In a financial model you often have different types of allocations that start at different times. Creating a short formula to handle this flexibility can be a challenge. Here is one solution.
Single formula for a Column
It can done
In Excel your goal should be to have a single formula in a table column that can be copied down the whole column.
Greyed Out AutoSum Icon In Excel
Get around a sheet protection issue
When you protect a sheet in Excel many icons are turned off (greyed out), including the ever popular AutoSum icon. That’s when it pays to know keyboard shortcuts.
Treating text as zero in Excel
Let’s say you are getting inputs you can’t control and in some cases you get text and others you get numbers. You want the numbers, but you need to treat text as zero. Here’s the easy way to do that.
Sequences of a Repeating Series of Numbers in Excel
MOD and SEQUENCE used together
In budgets, forecasts, financial models and even reporting models repeating the numbers 1 to 12 can be useful. The SEQUENCE and MOD functions can make it easy and scalable.
Prefix Numbers Conditionally in Excel
Conditional Format to the rescue
Let’s say we need to put a prefix in front of a number to identify the period being used. Whether that be year, month or week.
Validate a whole number in Excel
Very INTeresting
If you need to confirm a number is a whole number you can use a function with a short name.
The New LET Function in Excel
LET there be rock!
If you have the subscription version of Excel you may have the new LET function. This function lets you capture variables within a formula. Let’s see an example.
Time to Play with Dynamic Arrays
Let play time begin
Many things that were hard or complex are now much simpler. Creating dynamic drop down lists based on previous selections used to be tricky in Excel. Dynamic arrays make it straightforward.
Dynamic arrays will carry it off in to the sunset
The SUMPRODUCT function has been my favourite function for about 20 years. It is so flexible. Soon it will be redundant thanks to dynamic arrays.
Adding a message to grouping icons
It is best practice to use grouping to hide and unhide rows in Excel. I recently saw a technique that also displays a message.
Extracting End of Quarter Dates in Excel
Another MOD solution
A few years ago I wrote an article on extracting the end of quarter date from a date. I recently had a query that was related and I tweaked the previous solution to solve it.
Indian Financial Year Month Number in Excel
The Indian Financial Year start on 1 April. Like Australia its Financial Year month numbers can be painful. Here is a formula to sort them out.