Using Emojis in Excel Formulas

You can use conditional formatting to insert symbols in cells. You can also use formulas with emojis. using range names makes it even easier.

To insert an emoji icon in a cell you can use press the Windows key and the full stop.

This opens the Emojis dialog box.

In this example we are going to insert three separate symbols in formulas.

I have named each cell that has an emoji. A1 = Tick, A2 = Cross and A3 = Dash.

You can use these names in formulas throughout the file.

The formula in cell F2 (Sales) is.


The formula in cell F3 (Costs) is.


The advantages with using formulas instead of conditional formatting is that you can format the cells. Plus using formulas in cells is easier than using formulas in conditional formats.

Naming your emojis makes then easier to use. You can use these emoji icons names in your formulas throughout the file.