Free Excel Webinar Recording – Mastering Form Controls

Feedback score 92%

In March 2019 I demonstrated how to use some of Excel’s Form Controls.

CPD note – if you are claiming CPD for watching this recording you need to keep your own records. People who attend the live sessions receive an annual listing of attendances.

Webinar Materials

Learn how to build better spreadsheet interfaces using form controls like check boxes, scroll bars, option buttons and combo boxes.

Form controls can reduce the number of input errors; simplify and speed up input plus add structure to a file.

Discover the function that you need to use to get the most out of these controls.

Find out a few tips and tricks to make creating and using form controls easier.

As always there are a few more tips and tricks shared in the session.

Unique Entries in Excel via a Conditional Format

Filtering to the rescue

Excel’s Conditional Formatting feature has a built-in unique option. Its unique option only identifies entries that are not repeated. This is different to the Advanced Filter Unique option which lists each unique item from a range once. To filter by entries only appearing once you can use Conditional Formatting with filtering. No formulas required.

Free Excel Webinar Recording – Format As Table Features

Feedback score 93%

In February 2019 I demonstrated how to use the Format as Table feature in Excel, including some advanced techniques.

CPD note – if you are claiming CPD for watching this recording you need to keep your own records. People who attend the live sessions receive an annual listing of attendances.

Webinar Materials

Many of Excel’s features and functions work seamlessly with formatted tables. They can help you improve the structure and reliability of your spreadsheet files.

Formatted tables can allow you to create powerful reports like those in a relational databases.

Topics covered

  • advantages and limitations of formatted tables
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • using formatted tables with formulas
  • solutions to some of the limitations of formatted tables
  • using range names with formatted tables
  • using formatted tables with data validations
  • creating a running total
  • using PivotTables
  • Relationships (Data tab)

As always there will are a few more tips and tricks shared in the session.

Free Excel Webinar Recording – Budget Challenge

Feedback score 93%

In January 2019 I presented a webinar that examined a solution to a 4 dimension budget challenge. Download the materials using the button below and watch the video.

CPD note – if you are claiming CPD for watching this recording you need to keep your own records. People who attend the live sessions receive an annual listing of attendances.

Webinar Materials

NOTE: This is not a beginner’s session.

This webinar is based on a budget scenario which you need to read before the session starts. It is only 3 pages long and included in the materials.

Topics covered include

  • using INDEX-MATCH (better alternative to VLOOKUP)
  • 3-D formulas and techniques to make using them easy
  • using a reporting template
  • validations
  • extracting sheet names
  • automating reports

As always there will are a few more tips and tricks shared in the session.

Distinct Count in Excel

The Data Model to the rescue

Counting is the poor cousin to summing in Excel. Not many people count things, but everyone adds up things. There is a special sort of count that can be useful. A distinct count counts unique entries and is hard to do with a formula. If you have Excel 2013 or a later version you can use a PivotTable to perform a distinct count.

Inserting a Blank Row Between Entries

Manual technique

Over the years I have had many requests to help people insert blank rows between entries is a list. Apparently it is for an input routine that requires blanks. My normal solution is a macro because it automates the process, but there is a manual technique that is quick and easy.

Creating a table of all combinations in Excel [Video]

Power Query solution

Let’s assume you have three state codes and four department codes and you want to create a table of all the possible 12 combinations (3 x 4). How do you do it so that it is flexible? i.e. if you add a new state or department it must be easy to update the combination table.

Copying a Date Down a Long List in Excel

Two techniques make it quick and easy

There are a number of mouse and keyboard shortcuts for copying. But there is one type of copy that can be frustrating. Copying dates can be challenging because, in general, Excel wants to increment them, not copy them. There is a simple technique to instruct Excel to copy a date.

Inserting a Blank Row Between Entries in Excel

A sorting solution

Over the years I have had many requests to help people insert blank rows between entries is a list. Apparently there is an import routine that requires it. My normal solution is a macro because it automates the whole process but there is a manual technique that is quick and easy.