Pivot Tables are incredibly powerful and easy to use. Unfortunately their headings can include the terms “Sum of” or “Count of”. This is not always what you’d like to present to users. A macro to the rescue.
The following macro will remove those terms from the current Pivot Table. The macro at the bottom of the post can fix all the Pivot Tables in a file.
You can download a file containing both macros at the bottom of the post.
These macros add a space to the field name – you can’t use the actual field name in a Pivot Table – Excel won’t let you.
Warning: Macros can’t be undone so you should save your file before running this macro. If the result isn’t what you expected then you can close the file without saving.
Select any cell in the Pivot Table and then run the macro.
Note: the green lines are comments only and are not required for the macro to work.
Sub RenamePTFields() Dim pt As PivotTable Dim pf As PivotField 'some of the commands may cause VBA errors in some situations '- these will be ignored as they are not important On Error Resume Next 'capture the selected pivot table Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(ActiveCell.PivotTable.Name) 'if the activecell is not in a pivot table let the user know 'and stop the macro If pt Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Please select a cell in a pivot table." Exit Sub End If 'go thru all the data fields in the pivot table For Each pf In pt.DataFields 'add a space to the data field name because Excel won't 'allow the use of a data field name within the pivot table pf.Caption = pf.SourceName & " " Next pf 'reset error handling On Error GoTo 0 'clear object variables Set pt = Nothing Set pf = Nothing End Sub |
If you wanted to apply this to all the Pivot Tables in a file you can use the following macro.
Sub RenamePTFieldsAll() Dim pt As PivotTable Dim pf As PivotField Dim ws As Worksheet 'some of the commands will cause VBA errors in some situations '- these will be ignored On Error Resume Next 'go through all the sheets For Each ws In Worksheets For Each pt In ws.PivotTables 'go through all the data fields in the pivot table For Each pf In pt.DataFields 'add a space to the data field name because Excel won't 'allow the use of a data field name within the pivot table pf.Caption = pf.SourceName & " " Next pf Next pt Next ws 'reset error handling On Error GoTo 0 'clear object variables Set pt = Nothing Set pf = Nothing Set ws = Nothing End Sub |
Example File Link below.
Click here to see how you can run a Macro off a Quick Access Toolbar icon.
Thanks very much for the helpful code. Just a heads up – both versions contain (what seems to be) an error caused by “&”. I’m guessing due to copying and pasting.
Thanks for letting me know, yes pasting into html has it problems – fixed it.
Thanks a lot 2 times!!
First, for solving my Problem with header names.
Second, for such an efficient code. You wrote much less lines than most proposals I have researched on the web (I’ve been researching how to change from “sum” to “count” and other things), you added solutions to possible errors (not having selected a Pivot table, programming bugs…) and you even left the kitchen clean after dinner with “Set pt = Nothing” and “Set pf = Nothing”.
Happy to help – yes its best practice programming to set object variables to Nothing at the end of the code to clear the memory.