One of the problems with Excel’s Data Validation is that it is possible to have an invalid entry in a data validation cell. This can be caused by Paste Special Values or linked drop downs that don’t update if an earlier drop down is changed. To easily identify invalid cells you can use a macro.
Just be clear Excel has a built-in feature to show invalid cells BUT it has two major limitations.
The first is it doesn’t tell you if there are any invalid cells. If there are invalid cells, it doesn’t tell you how many there are, or where they are.
The second limitation is that it circles invalid cells. This means you must examine each data validation cell to see if it is circled across all your sheets.
Macro solution
This macro doesn’t need to be in the file involved. It can stay in your Personal Macro Workbook.
I assume most data validation cells are valid. This macro displays a message box with the details of each invalid data validation cell. If you had a lot of invalid cells you could create a spreadsheet report listing them.
The Code
Below is the macro code. The green rows are comments and explain the code.
Sub FindInvalidCells() 'displays a msgbox with detail of each invalid data validation cell Dim ws As Worksheet Dim rngData As Range Dim rngCell As Range Dim lCounter As Long 'loop through all the sheets For Each ws In Worksheets 'reset the range Set rngData = Nothing On Error Resume Next 'this If statement generates an error if there are no data validation cells ' in the sheet. So it will do nothing if an error is found by moving to ' the next line. If no error is encountered the range is ' captured in the rngData variable If ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation).Rows.count = 0 Then 'do nothing Else Set rngData = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation) End If ' Loop through each data validation cell and identify each invalid cell ' first check the range is not Nothing If Not (rngData Is Nothing) Then For Each rngCell In rngData If Not rngCell.Validation.Value Then MsgBox "Validation error found in " & ws.Name & _ " and cell " & rngCell.Address, , vbCritical + vbOKOnly, _ "INVALID CELL FOUND" lCounter = lCounter + 1 End If Next rngCell Else 'do nothing if the range is nothing End If Next ws If lCounter > 0 Then MsgBox lCounter & " invalid cell(s) found.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, _ "INVALID CELL(S) FOUND" Else MsgBox "All data validation cells are valid.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _ "No errors found" End If 'clear all the range variables Set rngData = Nothing Set rngCell = Nothing Set ws = Nothing End Sub |
This examines each sheet in the file and each data validation cell in each sheet. If a sheet doesn’t have a data validation cell the SpecialCells command used would generate an error. To get around that I have used the On Error Resume Next command. This command should not be over-used.
In this case it handles a possible error. This code doesn’t affect or change the spreadsheet so error handling isn’t as important as with other routines.
Using macros
If you are unsure how to use macros see this post.
Another approach your readers could consider is to accumulate the cell addresses for the validation errors in a text string and then output that list in a MessageBox at the end of the macro. Here is one way such an approach could be coded…
Sub FindInvalidCells()
Dim Cnt As Long, Errs As String, Cell As Range, WS As Worksheet
For Each WS In Worksheets
On Error GoTo NoValidationOnSheet
For Each Cell In WS.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
If Not Cell.Validation.Value Then
Cnt = Cnt + 1
Errs = Errs & “, ‘” & WS.Name & “‘!” & Cell.Address(0, 0)
End If
MsgBox “There were ” & Cnt & ” Validation errors:” & vbLf & Mid(Errs, 3)
Exit Sub
Resume Continue
End Sub
Thanks for sharing Rick
Interesting use of the Continue label
I considered a single message box and also a report sheet listing all the cells but my assumption was there shouldn’t be a lot of invalid cells.
If there was then yes listing then in one go is a better way to go.
Thanks again.