Creating a table of all combinations in Excel [Video]

Power Query solution

Let’s assume you have three state codes and four department codes and you want to create a table of all the possible 12 combinations (3 x 4). How do you do it so that it is flexible? i.e. if you add a new state or department it must be easy to update the combination table.

The R Language

David Iseminger - Microsoft

If you are into statistics then you probably already know about the R language – but if you don’t it may be worth looking at.

It is open source code that is built to handle statistics and big data. It has some limitations when used with Power BI but it can be used on its own.

This article looks at using visuals created with R in Power BI.

DAX Studio

DAX is the function and query language of PowerPivot and PowerBI. It has been around for a while, but it didn’t really have many editing tools until DAX Studio came around.

DAX Studio has been created by the guys – the legends in PowerBI.

I saw a demo today at the Perth Modern Excel User Group at Microsoft Perth – its great.

Whilst it is a powerful editor, it is not just a code editor.

There are lots of options to allow you to optimise your DAX code. Lots of output options as well.

You can test and see how long it takes to run your DAX commands.

If you regularly use DAX in Power BI or PowerPivot then DAX Studio is a must have.



Power Query M Language Editor

Power Query (Get & Transform) uses the M language to allow you to customise and build in flexibility to your queries.

Currently writing the M language is tricky to write. It is case sensitive and there is no built-in help to assist you using the language.

Apparently Microsoft is working on creating an M editor, but there is no time line on when it will be ready.

This article takes you through some steps to create your own editor using Notepad ++.

If you use Power Query a lot then this may be worthwhile.


Matt Allington is an Aussie who is a Power BI expert and spreading the word on  Power BI.

This is his blog, but the rest of his site has other resources as well.

His site has lots of content to help you dive into Power BI.

I have his book and am currently going through it.


SQL Dusty

Dustin Ryan works at Microsoft  and he shares a lot of his knowledge for free on his website.

This great site has lots of free content to help you get the most out of Power BI – from beginners to old hands.

Free videos and other content make this a great site to bookmark and check regularly.

It covers a lot of other topics that are related to Power BI as well.


Power BI – Just starting out

The start of my journey

OK I have bitten the bullet and decided to get stuck in to Power BI. I am going to start playing around with Power BI Desktop – it is free after all. I thought I would blog about the experience and share my journey. I have created a Power BI category. I now have a button on my website that will list Power BI posts.