Page Breaks in Excel

Turn them off

When you set your print area or use the Page Break Preview View, Excel will show you the page breaks on the grid. If this annoys or distracts you, here is how to remove them.

It’s a one-line macro that turns off the page breaks in the current sheet.

Sub TurnOffPageBreaks()
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
End Sub

If you are new to macros then this blog post can take you through how to use them.

The above code can be copied and pasted into the code window.

If you want to turn page breaks off for all the sheets in the file use the code below.

Sub TurnOffAllPageBreaks()
Dim ws
For Each ws In Worksheets
  ws.DisplayPageBreaks = False
Next ws
End Sub


I hope these code snippets are useful.

Speed up a macro

Just saw an Excel newsletter post from Kevin Jones from

He found that turning off the VBA interactive setting can speed up some macros. I tested it on a one minute macro and it cut it down to 40 seconds.

Worth a try if you have a longer running macro. You can add it to your opening and closing routines.

Code to turn it off

Application.Interactive = False

And then turn it back on at the end of your code.

Application.Interactive = True

Thanks Kevin for sharing.

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Save and Close in Excel

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Increase Font Size in VBA Window

Easy change

Yes, you can make the text in the VBA window easier to read.

It is also great for training.

(This tip may not work on 4K monitors.)

To open the VBA Window press Alt + F11.

Click the Tools menu and then Options  – see image below.

Click the Editor Format tab and change the Size drop down to 14, or whatever you want – see image below.

Click OK and the font size will now be increased in the code window.

See below for a comparison between 10 and 14 point.

Much easier to read!

Free Webinar Recording – Recorded Macros Tips Tricks and Traps

Getting started with recorded macros

It is easy to create a recorded macro. It is not so easy to create a flexible and re-usable recorded macro. Click the materials Button below to download the pdf manual and example file.

Learn the techniques that can allow you to record effective macros that can handle different ranges and changes to sheet names.

Macros can speed up your work and reduce the time taken for tedious tasks, as well as adding functionality to Excel.

This is the first in a series of webinars dedicated to macros. Future paid sessions this month (August 2019) will expand on the techniques taught in this session. Click here to register.

CPD note – if you are claiming CPD for watching this recording you need to keep your own records. People who attend the live sessions receive an annual listing of attendances.

Download Materials

Range Names and Macros

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