Cell Notes used to be called Cell Comments and they were like a “Post-it” note for a cell. You can insert a picture in a Note. This could be useful to show a picture but not to have it take up space on the sheet or print.
Monthly Archives: February 2025
Reset (2025)
Great relatable and practical stories.
Good summaries at the end of each chapter.
Lots of ideas to help you get more leverage so you can move the boulder called change.
Simplicity is the glory of expression.
Walt Whitman
Another Alt key Shortcut in Excel
When you press the Alt key there are numbers and letters that appear above the Quick Access Toolbar. These allow you to access those icons. Here is a trick I learned from Mike Girvin (ExcelisFun) to use the QAT shortcuts multiple times.
When you press the Alt key and then press another key you perform the action once.
If you want to repeat the action and you are only pressing one key for the QAT options, you can hold the Alt key down and press the number multiple times to repeat the action.
In the example below I have the Increase Font icon as my fourth icon on the QAT.
I can select a range and hold the Alt key down and press 4 multiple times to increase the font size with each press of 4.