Vote For a New UNIQUE Function

Dynamically extract a list of unique entries from a list

The Excel team has a great site that encourages people to post new ideas for Excel. It also encourages people to vote for the new suggested features.

I have just posted an idea for a UNIQUE function that extracts unique entries from a list.

Currently you have to manually maintain a separate list of entries for a drop down lists. You can’t use a list that contains duplicates for a drop down list.

What if that list was updated automatically via a formula from the original data source? So as new items are added at the data source they automatically appear in the drop down list?

Currently a dynamic solution requires a complex array formula or a UDF (User Defined Function – macro).

This would also make creating formula-based reports so much easier.

Please take the time to vote for my suggestion. Feel free to post your own suggestions as well.

Vote For UNIQUE Function



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