Percentage of the Year in Excel

As we get used to the new year we may want to perform some calculations based on the old year. A recent inquiry requested a formula that could calculate the percentage of a year that an employee had been employed. He suggested using an IF function. See the solution below, but it doesn’t involve the IF function.

Date Alignment Trick in Excel

Text alignment in Excel is versatile. If the column isn’t wide enough to display the text, it will display over the next cell. Date and number alignments are not so forgiving. If the column isn’t wide enough the cell with display the ### symbols or the scientific format. Here is a function technique to get around the limitation.

Working with a Different Working Week in Excel

International functions to the rescue

Let’s say you are transitioning to retirement (lucky you) and you only work four days a week. You have Wednesdays off to play golf. You may still do projects and you need to figure out completion dates based on a start date and working days. Excel can help you.

May the fours be with you

Excel and Star Wars combine

On the weekend Sunday the 5th of September 2021 is a big day for Excel.

In Excel the date system starts on 1/1/1900 – that was day 1, and each day since has its own sequential number.

On Saturday September 5, 2021 (Father’s day in Australia) that number is – wait for it – see the image below.

May the fours be with you!

If you remove the formatting from a cell  with a date you will see the underlying number.

One Minute to Excel #8 – Incrementing a Long List of Dates

It is easy when you know how

In this short video I cover how to increment dates in long ranges.

It uses a little know dialog.

One Minute to Excel #7 – Copy Date down a Long Range

Quick and easy technique

In this short video I cover how to insert dates in long ranges.

Its simple and quick.

Fix date format

On a recent Webinar I was asked a question about an unusual date structure that was imported. The structure was not recognised by Excel as a date. Here is formula that fixes it.

Below is an example of the date issue.

The formula in cell B2 is


As you can see the dates in column A are left aligned. That is a clue that they are not recognised as dates in Excel. Dates are right aligned.

The SUBSTITUTE function replaces the full stop between the numerals with a / and makes it look like a date.

This isn’t sufficient as the SUBSTITUTE function will return text. The *1 at the end converts the text date in to a real date that Excel recognises.

Note: Power Query can also automatically fix dates like these when it imports data.

Added 17/11/2021

As per a comment from Rick Rothstein Excel MVP you can use the Text To Column feature to fix the dates in place.




Entering Dates in Excel

Stop the full stop

There are only two characters Excel recognises when separating numeric days, months and years in dates. They are the / and – characters.

Please don’t use the full stop as Excel won’t recognise it as a date.

Below you can see examples of using / and – in dates.


When you use the full stop Excel won’t recognise it as a date – see below.

Its left aligned and will be treated a text.